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Braces are not exclusively used for full mouth treatment. You may want just your upper or lower teeth straightened. There may only be a few teeth that bother you, or just one. If it's out of place, I can move it! Limited treatment is cheaper and faster than full treatment and may only last a few months depending on the desired result. Just open big and let me have a look.
Braces are not exclusively used for full mouth treatment. You may want just your upper or lower teeth straightened. There may only be a few teeth that bother you, or just one. If it's out of place, I can move it! Limited treatment is cheaper and faster than full treatment and may only last a few months depending on the desired result. Just open big and let me have a look.
This patient was interested in closing the space between her front teeth.
Much improved smile and bite relationship, achieved in less than 12 months.
This adult had braces as a teenager but was dissatisfied with the look of the upper front teeth.
Small changes make a big difference in the harmony and symmetry of the front teeth. The patient was quite happy with the improvement.
Another adult patient. She had never been previously treated, but had always been bothered by the look of her bottom teeth.
I was able to make a full correction of the lower teeth without disrupting the bite relationship. No upper teeth treatment was necessary.